1883 CC Morgan Dollar

In the mid to late 1990's, when I was still a novice collector, I was at the annual NCNA coin show which was in Greensboro at the time. Back then I bought inexpensive Silver Dollars, which were as low as $7 at the time. I wanted to purchase a nicer coin and I looked at an 1884-CC PCGS MS-64. It was $54 and I didn't purchase it to see if I could find one at a better price. Now I wish I had bought it. Instead I ended up purchasing an uncertified 1883-CC that a dealer had in a coin album. I plan to send it off to PCGS soon but I believe it will grade an MS62. Ignorance is not bliss.

Under magnification, I noticed a die crack along the upper portion of the letters in the reverse and a little doubling. I was intrigued, and took it to Mr. Greene at A Silver Shop. The coin shop is no longer in business as Mr. Greene sold it when he retired and it eventually closed. Mr. Greene had a box of uncirculated 1883-CC Morgans and many of them had die cracks, although not as heavy as mine and mine still needs magnification to observe.

Examining the coin the other day, I identified it to be a VAM 3a die variety. Doubling can be seen on several of the letters, of which the S in States is shown below. Also there is what appears to be an Adam's Apple protruding from lady liberty's neck. This is supposed to be a die clash impression of an N. While it looks like an N I am not sure how a die clash from a reverse die would have made the N impression, given it's location and being a capital N and not a lower case n, as seen in "In God We Trust" on the reverse. 

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